I make what we call "Ketupat Sotong" or "Sotong Sumbat"
Request from my colleagues Mr Khairul Nizam...
Haha..pandai lak ko makan makanan pelik nie yer Erol???
Husband aku pon xpenah makan..
skali cuba...ha baru tau makanan org klate nie..
apepon yg pnting air tgn tue yg wat rase die sodapp...
Kembang gakla semangkuk bile dpt pujian..
Mula2 husband yg puji...
"sedappnye syg..abg xpnh makan pon sblm nie..."
sape tak suke hatikn hubby kite puji...
bangga gak sekejap..(sekejap je yer kengkwn..hehehe..")
Dan tadi lak aku bwk g ofis..
Ofismate aku lak ckp :
"pandai ko masak zie...kt umh ari2 ko masak ke?
sedapla...t yg lebih2 tu aku nk bawak balik bg mak aku ase lak.."
sampaikan nk bawak balik bg mak die rase lak...
naik segan lak rase..tp
hehehe...sebenarnya banggakan bile org puji kite...
but actually is not utk dpt pujian..
sume nie aku wt ikhlas...
lgpon arini ari last aku kt ofis nie..
kenelah ceria n enjoyykn sb dh last day..
So hard to say goodbye..
i have no choice...
and here especially for those of who's read this
I wanna to let uolss know that
it has been a joy working with each and everyone of you...
I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank u to all of you..
I'm blessed to have the opportunity to work with you and I'm grateful for all your support and assistance
provided during my tenure here.I thank you once again and wish each and every one of you the very best
in all your future endeavors in both professional and personal lives.
itu saje yg dpt aku wish utk korang sumer..
hope keep in touch..
yg sedeyynye aku xsempat nk snap pixca..
xpelah yg smpt aku snap lak gmbar nie..
"Ketupat Sotong"
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~niela die "ketupat sotong" yg sempat aku snap mase tgh wt nk bg ofismate aku mkn td~ |
sok kite cite pasal bola lak yer...
bangga sb klate menang..
>>aku membebel jam dah pukol 2.30am<<
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